Good Day to All,

Recently, many of our customers have highlighted the importance of security controls within our office. Queries from customers include how secure customer’s data is in our servers and indirectly, how secure our infrastructure is from external parties in protecting customer’s data.

Contact with an insecure website may result in destructive viruses being downloaded into company’s network and also has the tendency allowing professional webmasters to access our computer servers. Likewise, the number one problem with computers in the workplace is lost time whereby some will spend immoderate of time “surfing” the web.

Apart from improving working efficiency, extra effort is needed to further improve the security controls within the company. As such, precaution measures to minimize our network exposure to external parties will be carried out. One of the measures is to restrict internet accessibility in the workplace but nevertheless, company understands the need of internet is essential to the performance of some jobs. Therefore, certain authorized internet access for members and websites that have a specific and directly work related purpose will only be allowed but apart from this, additional PC/Desktops will be prepared at a designated area for common internet usage.

You can refer to the work related accessible websites in our intranet (under Policies section) via Virtual Office. Yes, our intranet has been updated with latest information such as Organization Chart and other information. Please feel free to browse through! Management will review from time to time should they be a need or request for additional websites to be added in this list. You can submit your request to Project Managers but subject to Management approval.

Effective Date: 1st April 2009 onwards.