April 2010

there is a news about rape case
14 years old
to have sex at this age?
to rape your classmate?

it’s sickening also

but i’m very thankful that our teacher gave us a simple class during our PE class last time
but not much was discussed about sex education

we should take note of this serious issue
spend more time to focus on issue which are close to the heart 🙂

Friend when will you start realised that should should have the attitude of
爱人勿疑, 疑人勿爱?

after so many rounds of consultation…
yet you never listen
things that we tell you never go into your head

it’s difficult and tough to give up
first cut is always very deep and unforgeatable
but if you really feel that is most beneficial for you

please by all means go ahead!!!

Pencil found in rape victim from the Star
Doctors examining the 14-year-old orphan who claimed she was raped by a classmate last week were shocked to find that not only was she one-month pregnant but there was also a pencil in her private parts.

The girl, who lodged a report on Monday alleging she was raped by a classmate during recess at her school in Rawang last Tuesday, had complained of pain whenever she urinated.

The girl claimed she did not realise she had a 4cm-long pencil inside her until it was removed by doctors at the Selayang Hospital where she was hospitalised.

Gombak deputy OCPD Supt Rosly Hassan said this was not the first time the girl had been raped.

He said she had been sexually assaulted several times but had not told anyone about the other incidents.

“We believe that it could be a different person who raped her previously.”

He said police were questioning the girl and hoped to get more information to facilitate them in their investigations.

The assailant, who was detained at the school several hours after the girl lodged the report, has been remanded until April 26.

Supt Rosly said police had also detained six others, believed to be accomplices, for questioning.

He said the baby’s father could be identified through a DNA test after the baby was born.

WTF… pencil in private part??
what is the gal doing? or what had the guy who FXXX her done?
and guy who raped her one week ago made her pregnant??!!

somehthing is very very wrong
story not jive…

it’s terrible
better if i can choose to go to watch toy story 1 and 2 (in 3D) which is much much better

how do you pronouce Eyjafjallajökull??

Northern Europeans will not forget the name Eyjafjallajokull in a hurry, even if they may have trouble pronouncing it. Monday April 19th marked a fifth day of jet-free skies over a huge swathe of the continent as a result of the eruption of the Icelandic volcano, which began pumping large quantities of ash into the sky last Wednesday. That fine volcanic ash could pose a risk to jet engines, which have cut out in the past after exposure to similar volcanic material. Many of Europe’s busiest airports remained out of action.

taken from the Economist

The world is sick..
the earth is sick…
you see earthquake @ China, Australia, Afganistan
you see volcano erruption @ Iceland which caused chaos for europe airline system and resulted to many being trapped and millions/billions revenue lost.
People in Malaysia are sick too…
AH1N1 is trying to tell us … hey i’m still around.. i’m not gone for good..
Not forgetting cute little mosquito which brings us dengue?

and last but not least
teen rape cases in school???
by your classmate? schoolmate?
school is not a safeplace afterall

thanks to???

the technology..
our selfishess..
and curiosity…

what can we do to help??
are we really sick as well??

Why does the sun go on shining?
Why does the sea rush to shore?
Don’t they know it’s the end of the world,
`cause you don’t love me anymore?

Why do the birds go on singing?
Why do the stars glow above?
Don’t they know it’s the end of the world?
It ended when I lost your love.

I wake up in the morning and I wonder why ev’rything’s the same as it was.
I can’t understand, no I can’t understand, how life goes on the way it does!

Why does my heart go on beating?
Why do these eyes of mine cry?
Don’t they know it’s the end of the world?
It ended when you said good-bye.

it’s not about whether ur gf/bf broke up with you.
the world does not stop because of that

but yes..
the world is going to come into an end
if we continue to create more pollution

we need to appreciate things around us
try to be as recycle as much as it can be.



taken from 心回嘉

there is a friend who is trying to start his dance
but he do not know whether the person is a suitable dance partner
he is still observing
before he start his dance 🙂

finally she decided to get married.
sometimes i feel i do not understand why people want to “jual mahal”
cos they like the feeling of being appreciated?

hopefully she can live happily ever after lo 🙂

O: Wow you are great.
A: Yeah you are cool. How are you
O: Not so good…
A: Why not so good.. should be quite free now 
O: Mood not good. Nobody accompany this xmas 
A: Aiyo.. can make plans… how about ur gf?
O: I don’t have gf.
A: Never mind. No gf still got friends rite?
O: I don’t have friend as well
A: …

today is last day for IT almost 3 years working in D company
2moro is last day for despatch for almost 30 years working in D company.

30 years need to celebrate
3 years no need to celebrate?

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