October 2010

When you are in the bad mood
you tend to wear black, grey and etc colour
why not wear something bright to show
you need more positive energy
be it red, orange or pink

sometimes we need to think the opposite way
sometimes we just start to look at things at the reverse direction
things might be totally different afterall 🙂

time is running out
so i went to sleep early yesterday
not knowing what time i’ll wake up

and amazingly i woke up 1am in the middle of the nite
surf net
play FB
look at my work

then cursing myself?
for the the karma i get

well… then go back to sleep for an hour
then getting myself prepared to work

i need peace of mind today
need clear thinking today

hopefully things can settle ASAP…
god help me

明天就是我们约定的20 10 2010 了!
至少 我还记得
请联络 我

因为我会看不起你的 😛

it’s a courtesy to tell the person on the phone who you are
cos the person does not have powerful eyes
nor powerful ears and can recognised who you are

so be courtious
respect yourself and others

it’s funny why people take no effort and they wanna claim the reward from you?
it’s a little bit funny
but yet again i also dunno

it’s a tension
it’s not a healthy competition
which in a way i do not like about it

a friend (A) of mine just gave birth early this morning 1am
congrats on getting your new baby

a friend (B) of mine waiting for baby to be due.
do not know when exactly baby is due.

friend A who gave birth have doctor to monitor closely when baby is due
friend B who yet to give birth do not have doctor to monitor closely

cos friend B’s husband is a doctor
but a poor doctor

friend B have no decided where to deliver, most probably government hospital
but why this happened?

i have a lot and a lot of question
is it the question of money?

but my summary is…
do not get yourself FXXk + pregnant when you do not have enough money
think carefully before you decided to create a miricle 🙂

詞:葛大為 徐佳瑩

我會唾棄 自己的寬容
你的沉著 喧鬧得震耳欲聾
嘲笑我 永遠的詞窮

我會慶祝 自己的墮落
你的溫柔 埋藏甜蜜的陰謀
慫恿我 做困獸之鬥

你能往前走 我也厭倦了再蹉跎
緊抱住的綠洲 是殘破的海市蜃樓
你真的要走 我還一廂情願的奢求
封印在荒蕪的時空 不再前進的我

我會心疼 自己的成熟
壓抑每個 歇斯底里的念頭
你的藉口 淺薄地像根菸頭
熄滅我 最後的渴求

你能往前走 我也厭倦了再蹉跎
緊抱住的綠洲 是殘破的海市蜃樓
你真的要走 我還一廂情願的奢求

放你向前走 我才看清愛的缺口
懷抱裡的綠洲 有淚水灌溉的矇矓
現在只能夠 無視一廂情願的倦容
封印在荒蕪的時空 不能再愛的我

i liked this song recently
kept playing it in the pc

liked the lyrics
seems like pain
very deep pain inside

liked the inter part
the la la la part
sounds like the soundtrack of iryu, a jap series which i liked a lot

maybye i’m just moody lately

which is worst?

caught by your boss sleeping during working hours
caught by your boss playing FB/twitter/msn/blogging?

if you do not see yourself with any future with the company
is it the sign of withdrawal?

is it the sign of you having to move on?

what happen if this is what you think you are best at and you would not want to give up for the time being?
but on the other hand you are not getting anywhere?


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