May 2010


因为想介绍我的朋友给你认识 🙂

suddenly it feels like there are a lot of people start to know how to use the DUKE way to Jalan Duta / Hartamas
Damn Jam
suffered for one hour last Monday and was fustrated for this

are the Malaysian driver who are using the DUKE way to Jalan Duta / Hartamas ok ar?
are you all sick?
why causing jam for nothing for an hour?
i know everybody is rushing?
but why causing the massive jam
either you are careful driver that you have to drive very slowly even there is no rain that day
and you have to take care of your vehicle as your life is precious.

i wonder where are all the traffic police when you need them
are they there to cause more massive traffic jam?
have they done anything to ease the traffic condition?

i wonder…
why you need to pay toll to join the jam?
i’m worried and fustrated…

saw my friend’s tag line is t(-“-t)
so i asked him “wat about all the t(-“-t)”

he replied
“i saw it from my sis’ gtalk
and i felt very cute
not being very good at looking at this kind of symbol
i question further “wat that represent?”

then suddenly i look from far a bit i realised

then i told him “banyak 3D oh
mus wear 3D glasses baru nampak”

so thanks for entertainment to end a great day 🙂


如果 如果你真的可以找到
在思想上 可以和你好像一首好歌一样


the earth is angry again
so… it had released some ashes to paralysed the sky of Europe again

what can we do to help it?
what can we do not to make it so angry?

hopefully it’s not sad anymore
hopefully it’s happy soon 🙂

everybody are crossing their fingers for Public Holiday on Monday
at least for those employees

so… we are crossing our fingers for 2nite’s match
and maybe Sunday’s match as well
so we do not need to work on Monday?!

it’s funny mentality we have…
but anyway…
no better way to celebrate than not working
if we really win…

i’m crossing my fingers
cos i need a break…
stay at home and enjoy 🙂

Auditor send all the AFS to client and request client to send back a copy to us (Tax)
while we are jus upstairs and downstairs relationship
client ask… so you all hate each other ar?
(i’m spechless :))

what have to come will come
no matter how much u resist it

so.. what left to do is prepared
do not know what is in front
no clear instruction in front

so i’m very lost
no eyes to see..
how can the upstairs people let this happen??

cos since olden time i have the impression you are fake

you look humble but actually you are not
you look nice but you have knife and needle eva ready behind your back
you loook sincere but i feel other way round

(ok i’m getting crappy cos i’m sleepy…)