May 2009

din do much last weekend.
maybe the weather is too hot
maybe its just me being lazy

glad to know that my friend has finally got out of his heart break of the last relationship
his heart is totally hurt
and i would think it’s a graduation for him and congrats to him
cos he can leave the past behind and let’s move on.





a lot of things which it’s unknow to me
a lot of procedures which i do not know.
i’m worried and scared…

LOHAS is an acronym for Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability, a market segment focused on health and fitness, the environment, personal development, sustainable living, and social justice.

learn about this term lately…
need to create more awareness on it.
just like what WWF did for earth hour every year
just off the unnecessary lights for one hour every year.

but after that what do we get?
after that?
do we start to implement it into our daily life.

it’s not just a pure advertisement kind of thing
but i would think we need to put things into practical and really implementing it.

so you try to save energy as much as possible.
try to off the lights not necessary.
off your pc when you are sleeping
off the lights when you are sleeping.
try to turn off the air con and turn on the fan on a rainy day to save some electricity.
(i’m trying very hard to off the lights b4 i go to sleep and off my pc when i go to sleep. it would be a bit difficult for me to sleep without the lights being on.. cos i’m sort of under pressure lately)

eating wise, try your best to bring your container to ‘tapao’
if they tapao your food with wax paper, i think it would be ok.
just like today i ‘tapao’ ‘tau fu fa’ + soya bean
and they give you a container + plastic spoon + plastic bag to carry the container.
and i ask the uncle not to give me the plastic spoon and also the plastic bag since it’s a short distance back to the office and i do not need the plastic spoon since i got my own spoon in da office.

try to make myself to be very environmental friendly lately.
do not request for plastic bag unnecessary as they increase the our daily waste.
try to reuse plastic bag before you dispose them

and last but not forgeting try to eat vegetarian a day in your meal
or at least one meal per week.
it help to reduce killing of animal and reduce the food being used to feed on animal when it can be used to feed on human.

Budget, billing, collection it’s all amount management and inter personal skills.
the above are areas which i never ever touch before
preparing monitoring report
monitoring myself
reminders update
rushing for tax comp
try to be as efficient as possible.
my KPI this year is???
to pick up everything??

great movie yesterday…
went back tried to continue work… and i’m too tired and fall asleep halfway..
so i woke up with my work at the side of me.. and i’m still wondering why…
try to complete my blog this morning..
and i’m still blogging on my way to the office.
so u get to see my new post.

have been very actively blogging lately and it’s back to good of college day where i used to blog a lot when i’m at home or i’m in the college.

was off the internet yesterday as i ter-cacat my old lappy yesterday…
so my good IT guy suggest me to change to another lappy cos to save my old lappy they need to format all the stuff on my old lappy…
so… sad to say.. but i still have to say bye bye to my old lappy…

so… now with the current lappy.. i got a bit of extra harddisk storage
and have a better battery 😉
cool rite?
so… so.. happy and this morning i saw rainbow after the rain before the sun come shining in

oh…. my colleague wanted to go for blood donation.
reminds me of the good old days in the college…
when i went for blood donation and almost fainted..

how good to recall your good old memory

i tot today i din post anything much… so no visitor today… but glad to see still got 8 to come to my blog…
today is busy..
tomorrow is even busier

and my boss is still around…
and he asked why i’m still in da office..
ok i should tell him i’m waiting for him to go back?

i’m coming for Angel and Demon this coming Wednesday…

times are bad.. when you increase the ticket price, people choose to watch it after two weeks.
times are bad.. people choose to watch dvd rather than spending time to watch it at the cinema.
times are bad.. and we have to control our spending.
times are bad.. and suddenly people are very good are bargaining for a discount.

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