Monday, October 11th, 2010

it’s funny why people take no effort and they wanna claim the reward from you?
it’s a little bit funny
but yet again i also dunno

it’s a tension
it’s not a healthy competition
which in a way i do not like about it

a friend (A) of mine just gave birth early this morning 1am
congrats on getting your new baby

a friend (B) of mine waiting for baby to be due.
do not know when exactly baby is due.

friend A who gave birth have doctor to monitor closely when baby is due
friend B who yet to give birth do not have doctor to monitor closely

cos friend B’s husband is a doctor
but a poor doctor

friend B have no decided where to deliver, most probably government hospital
but why this happened?

i have a lot and a lot of question
is it the question of money?

but my summary is…
do not get yourself FXXk + pregnant when you do not have enough money
think carefully before you decided to create a miricle πŸ™‚